Tuesday, October 8, 2013

2013 Salt Lake City Jingle Bell Run/Walk

December 7th at the Gateway Mall

Be a part of the largest holiday 5K race series aimed to fight arthritis!

Chosen as one of the most Incredible Themed Races, Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis is a fun and festive way to kick off your holidays by helping others!

Wear a holiday themed costume.  Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces.  Raise funds to fight arthritis, the nation's leading cause of disability.  Run or walk a 5 kilometer route with your team members and celebrate the season by giving.

Registration starts at 7:30am followed by the Kids 1K Fun Run at 8:40.  The 5K race will start at 9am.

A boutique, holiday entertainment, an Elf Village, and breakfast with Santa makes this a family friendly event with holiday cheer!

Register or donate at www.slcjinglebellrun.org!!

A great kick-off event will be held Saturday, October 12th in the Megaplex Theatres at The Gateway Mall.  Come and watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and eat popcorn at 10am all for free!!!  There will also be a free giveaway for 2 round trip SOUTHWEST AIRLINES tickets for registered Jingle Bell Run/Walk participants, but you must be present to win!  

We look forward to see you all there!!
Chosen as one of the Most Incredible Themed Races, Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis is a fun and festive way to kick off your holidays by helping others!

Wear a holiday themed costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. Raise funds to fight arthritis, the nation's leading cause of disability. Run or walk a 5 kilometer route with your team members and celebrate the season by giving. - See more at: http://jinglebellrunslc.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1069945#sthash.jyyVvweF.dpuf

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Utah Juvenile Arthritis Family Day
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Salt Lake City, UT

JA Family Day Overview
JA Family Day is an event  for children and teens with rheumatic conditions, and their families. 
Join us to learn about arthritis, network with families who  have similar concerns, and enjoy  a
day of fun activities!

Who Can Attend?
Kids and teens with arthritis and their  immediate family members are welcome. Anyone under  the
age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum
444  West 100 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
*Check-in begins  at 9:30am at the Theater*

This family friendly location offers interactive and hands-on fun for the whole family! Kids ages 2-12 will explore the museum in their groups led by trained volunteers. Teens will get to know others their age in our Teen Lounge designed especially for ages 13-17. Kids under two years are welcome to join their Parents and Caregivers for interactive discussions with health experts and networking with adults who share similar concerns.

Registrations received by September 20 are $15 per family (immediate family members only, please) and includes parking validation and entry to the museum for kids ages 2-17.  Registrations received after September 20 will go up to $20 per family, so don’t delay! All attendees must be registered.

Register To Attend or Volunteer Today!
Visit www.utahjafamilyday.kintera.org to register your family today! If you are interested in
attending this event as a volunteer, please visit www.UtahJAVolunteer.kintera.org to apply! All
attendees must be registered.
For More Information
Contact Leslie Nelson
Local: 801.536.0990 | ext 13
Toll free: 888.391.9389 | opt 6

Monday, August 12, 2013

SLZ Family Open House-Updated!!!!!!!!

*Please read carefully as the location has changed!!!!!*
Meghan and Annie 
would like to extend this invitation 
to ALL JA families!!! 
Please come and get to know us!!!
You’re invited!!

Please join us for
The Salt Lake Zone 
Family Open House

When: Saturday August 17th, 2013: 1-4 pm

What: Get together open house for all 
JA Families in the Salt Lake Zone

Where: Mt. View Park-Cottonwood Heights
1651 Fort Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT 84121

Who: All JA families in the Salt Lake Zone of the 
Utah P2P JA Family Network

Why: To further build connections and
 relationships in our P2P Network

Hosted by: Meghan Mitchell and Annie Viola

Please join us at Mt. View Park for an afternoon of networking and light refreshments! The kids will be able to play on the playground and splash pad while parents visit!

 Rsvp: leaders.janetwork@gmail.com


Monday, May 6, 2013

Annalee's Letter

To whom it may concern:

            I am writing this letter to formally invite you to join our fight against Juvenile Arthritis (JA)!  I would like to ask for your support on a personal level, from one family to another, to help us improve the lives of many children dealing with this autoimmune disease.

            My little girl, Annalee, had just turned two years old when she was diagnosed with this disease.  After the initial diagnosis, we have undergone several joint injections, many x-rays, seeing many specialists, numerous labs, and the overwhelming sense of dealing with a sick child.  One of the biggest problems that we face is giving our daughter injections of the medication that combats her arthritis but also depletes her immune system. 

            Trying to understanding more about her disease, our family reached out to the local Arthritis Foundation of SLC for more support.  Not only did the foundation give us many resources we needed to help us understand the disease, but they also connected us with other families who have also been affected by JA.  The foundation has really helped us recognize that we are not alone, and there are many programs, events, and opportunities to learn more about this disease and how we can help to find a cure.

            Please consider joining our family’s fight to find a cure for our little Annalee.  One of the wonderful opportunities we have is to “WALK” in support of her.  We are joining many others who are fighting this disease on May 18th, 2013 at Sugar House Park to walk for a cure.  Our family is putting on their walking shoes in honor of Annalee and to help support her disease and we are asking that you do the same.   To register for the walk or donate online please visit this website http://www.arthritis.org/utah/arthritis-walk.

                                                                                                                     From one family to another,
                                                                                                                                                The Violas