Tuesday, March 19, 2013

P2P Family Networking Luncheon

Calling All Parents!

We are planning a great event for parents in our Utah P2P JA Family Network! Please join us for a parents only potluck luncheon. Now is your chance to talk with other parents and network with our fun speakers. This fun event will be on May 4th at the Arthritis Foundation office in Downtown Salt Lake City. Be on the look out for more information coming in your email! But mark your calendars for:

May 4th
Time to be anounced
at the Arthritis Foundation Utah/Idaho Chapter
The P2P Network will provide the main dish, and we would love it everyone would be willing to bring potluck dish to share to go with the main dish-more details will come!

We are very excited to meet all of you and continue getting to know everyone in the Parent to Parent JA Family Network!